Caucus Membership
Over the past two years, we have built a rank and file NJEA movement through grassroots organizing and agitation. We are proud to have:
-Taken the lead statewide on the #OnlyWhenItsSafe campaign to remote learning
-Trained hundreds of members to protect their Health & Safety through our membership in the Protect NJ Workers Coalition
-Developed our rank and file organizing skills through P.O.W. trainings
-Agitated to keep fossil fuels out of our pensions through the DivestNJ campaign
-Chased Steve Sweeney all over the state to protest his Path To Progress “reforms”
-Organized 1,000+ members to attend the June 13, 2019 Rally in Trenton alongside other public employee unions like CWA and AFSCME
This movement is growing in power and influence, and so NJ21United has chosen to formalize ourselves into an official caucus. Caucuses are only as strong as their members, so we are asking you to officially join NJ21United.
The membership fee for our first year as a caucus is $5. NJ21United members will be able to vote on our endorsements for NJEA offices, get support to run for NJEA offices around the state, have support in your local from experienced organizers and union activists, and be part of a network that supports and uplifts each other. You'll receive an official Welcome package with some NJ21United swag and with information about how to get more involved in what we do. Most importantly, you'll be a part of the movement to make a better NJEA, one that is transparent, democratic, inclusive, and assertive.
Let’s get real for a second: we’re not asking you for $5 because the caucus needs the money. The membership fee is a way for people to have skin in the game, for us to see who is ready to take more action, and to find out who is ready to change our union forever.
NJ21United is a movement. Are you with us? Then join us!